Administration Guide for
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Release 5.4
July 28, 2006
Corporate Headquarters
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
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800 553-NETS (6387)
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Text Part Number: OL-11018-01
v vii
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Box 3-6
Troubleshooting 5-1
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
See the following sections:
This guide describes how to install, configure and manage Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
This guide is for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system administrators. It assumes the following:
You have a thorough understanding of voice and data terminology and concepts.
You are familiar with Cisco Unified MeetingPlace and networking concepts.
Naming Conventions
Previous releases of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server were called “MeetingPlace Server” or
“MeetingServer.” In this guide, “Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server” refers to all releases past
and present.
Table 1 describes terms used throughout the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace set of documents.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Documentation Conventions
Table 1
Product Naming Conventions
Referred to in This Document As
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8100
series server
Includes Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8106 and
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8112 servers.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
8100 series
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8106
Hardware on which Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Audio Server runs. 8106
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8112
Hardware on which Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Audio Server runs.
This server was called M3 in Release 5.2 and
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio
Software that runs on the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace 8100 series server.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Audio Server
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio
Server system
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8106 or Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace 8112 running Cisco Unified Audio Server system
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
MeetingPlace Audio Server.
Audio Server system
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
A Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server
feature by which users record meetings and listen
to meeting recordings.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Windows desktop software through which system MeetingTime
administrators can access and configure Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server.
Cisco MCS Unified CallManager
Hardware on which Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Cisco MCS
applications are installed.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web
Conferencing server
A Cisco MCS installed with Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Web Conferencing.
web server
All references to a “web server”
in this guide refer to the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace Web
Conferencing server.
Documentation Conventions
Table 2
Conventions for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Documentation
boldfaced text
Used for:
Commands that you must enter exactly as shown.
Key and button names.
Information that you enter.
italicized text
Used for arguments for which you supply values.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Documentation
Table 2
Conventions for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Documentation (continued)
[ ]
Used for elements that are optional.
(square brackets)
text in Courier font Used for information that appears on the screen.
Used to indicate use of the Control key. (For example, ^D means press
the Control and D keys simultaneously.)
< >
Used for nonprinting characters, such as passwords.
(angle brackets)
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace documentation also uses the following conventions:
Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the
Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage
or loss of data.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Documentation
For descriptions and locations of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace documentation on, see the
Documentation Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace. The document is shipped with Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace and is available at
Obtaining Documentation
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco also provides several
ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical resources. These sections explain how to obtain
technical information from Cisco Systems.
You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL:
You can access the Cisco website at this URL:
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Documentation Feedback
You can access international Cisco websites at this URL:
Product Documentation DVD
The Product Documentation DVD is a comprehensive library of technical product documentation on a
portable medium. The DVD enables you to access multiple versions of installation, configuration, and
command guides for Cisco hardware and software products. With the DVD, you have access to the same
HTML documentation that is found on the Cisco website without being connected to the Internet.
Certain products also have .PDF versions of the documentation available.
The Product Documentation DVD is available as a single unit or as a subscription. Registered
users (Cisco direct customers) can order a Product Documentation DVD (product number
DOC-DOCDVD= or DOC-DOCDVD=SUB) from Cisco Marketplace at this URL:
Ordering Documentation
Registered users may order Cisco documentation at the Product Documentation Store in the
Cisco Marketplace at this URL:
Nonregistered users can order technical documentation from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(0800 to 1700) PDT by calling 1 866 463-3487 in the United States and Canada, or elsewhere by
calling 011 408 519-5055. You can also order documentation by e-mail at or by fax at 1 408 519-5001 in the United States and Canada,
or elsewhere at 011 408 519-5001.
Documentation Feedback
You can rate and provide feedback about Cisco technical documents by completing the online feedback
form that appears with the technical documents on
You can submit comments about Cisco documentation by using the response card (if present) behind the
front cover of your document or by writing to the following address:
Cisco Systems
Attn: Customer Document Ordering
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883
We appreciate your comments.
Cisco Product Security Overview
Cisco provides a free online Security Vulnerability Policy portal at this URL:
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Cisco Product Security Overview
From this site, you will find information about how to:
Report security vulnerabilities in Cisco products.
Obtain assistance with security incidents that involve Cisco products.
Register to receive security information from Cisco.
A current list of security advisories, security notices, and security responses for Cisco products is
available at this URL:
To see security advisories, security notices, and security responses as they are updated in real time, you
can subscribe to the Product Security Incident Response Team Really Simple Syndication (PSIRT RSS)
feed. Information about how to subscribe to the PSIRT RSS feed is found at this URL:
Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products
Cisco is committed to delivering secure products. We test our products internally before we release them,
and we strive to correct all vulnerabilities quickly. If you think that you have identified a vulnerability
in a Cisco product, contact PSIRT:
An emergency is either a condition in which a system is under active attack or a condition for which
a severe and urgent security vulnerability should be reported. All other conditions are considered
In an emergency, you can also reach PSIRT by telephone:
1 877 228-7302
1 408 525-6532
We encourage you to use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or a compatible product (for example, GnuPG) to
encrypt any sensitive information that you send to Cisco. PSIRT can work with information that has been
encrypted with PGP versions 2.x through 9.x.
Never use a revoked or an expired encryption key. The correct public key to use in your correspondence
with PSIRT is the one linked in the Contact Summary section of the Security Vulnerability Policy page
at this URL:
The link on this page has the current PGP key ID in use.
If you do not have or use PGP, contact PSIRT at the aforementioned e-mail addresses or phone numbers
before sending any sensitive material to find other means of encrypting the data.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Cisco Technical Support provides 24-hour-a-day award-winning technical assistance. The Cisco
Technical Support & Documentation website on features extensive online support resources.
In addition, if you have a valid Cisco service contract, Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
engineers provide telephone support. If you do not have a valid Cisco service contract, contact your
Cisco Technical Support & Documentation Website
The Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website provides online documents and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. The website is
available 24 hours a day, at this URL:
Access to all tools on the Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website requires a user
ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a user ID or password, you can
register at this URL:
Use the Cisco Product Identification (CPI) tool to locate your product serial number before submitting
a web or phone request for service. You can access the CPI tool from the Cisco Technical Support &
Documentation website by clicking the Tools & Resources link under Documentation & Tools. Choose
Cisco Product Identification Tool from the Alphabetical Index drop-down list, or click the Cisco
Product Identification Tool link under Alerts & RMAs. The CPI tool offers three search options: by
product ID or model name; by tree view; or for certain products, by copying and pasting show command
output. Search results show an illustration of your product with the serial number label location
highlighted. Locate the serial number label on your product and record the information before placing a
service call.
Submitting a Service Request
Using the online TAC Service Request Tool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service requests. (S3
and S4 service requests are those in which your network is minimally impaired or for which you require
product information.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Service Request Tool provides
recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved using the recommended resources, your service
request is assigned to a Cisco engineer. The TAC Service Request Tool is located at this URL:
For S1 or S2 service requests, or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by telephone.
(S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or severely degraded.)
Cisco engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests to help keep your business
operations running smoothly.
To open a service request by telephone, use one of the following numbers:
Asia-Pacific: +61 2 8446 7411 (Australia: 1 800 805 227)
EMEA: +32 2 704 55 55
USA: 1 800 553-2447
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
For a complete list of Cisco TAC contacts, go to this URL:
Definitions of Service Request Severity
To ensure that all service requests are reported in a standard format, Cisco has established severity
Severity 1 (S1)—An existing network is down, or there is a critical impact to your business operations.
You and Cisco will commit all necessary resources around the clock to resolve the situation.
Severity 2 (S2)—Operation of an existing network is severely degraded, or significant aspects of your
business operations are negatively affected by inadequate performance of Cisco products. You and Cisco
will commit full-time resources during normal business hours to resolve the situation.
Severity 3 (S3)—Operational performance of the network is impaired, while most business operations
remain functional. You and Cisco will commit resources during normal business hours to restore service
to satisfactory levels.
Severity 4 (S4)—You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities, installation, or
configuration. There is little or no effect on your business operations.
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online
and printed sources.
The Cisco Product Quick Reference Guide is a handy, compact reference tool that includes brief
product overviews, key features, sample part numbers, and abbreviated technical specifications for
many Cisco products that are sold through channel partners. It is updated twice a year and includes
the latest Cisco offerings. To order and find out more about the Cisco Product Quick Reference
Guide, go to this URL:
Cisco Marketplace provides a variety of Cisco books, reference guides, documentation, and logo
merchandise. Visit Cisco Marketplace, the company store, at this URL:
Cisco Press publishes a wide range of general networking, training and certification titles. Both new
and experienced users will benefit from these publications. For current Cisco Press titles and other
information, go to Cisco Press at this URL:
Packet magazine is the Cisco Systems technical user magazine for maximizing Internet and
networking investments. Each quarter, Packet delivers coverage of the latest industry trends,
technology breakthroughs, and Cisco products and solutions, as well as network deployment and
troubleshooting tips, configuration examples, customer case studies, certification and training
information, and links to scores of in-depth online resources. You can access Packet magazine at
this URL:
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
iQ Magazine is the quarterly publication from Cisco Systems designed to help growing companies
learn how they can use technology to increase revenue, streamline their business, and expand
services. The publication identifies the challenges facing these companies and the technologies to
help solve them, using real-world case studies and business strategies to help readers make sound
technology investment decisions. You can access iQ Magazine at this URL:
or view the digital edition at this URL:
Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering
professionals involved in designing, developing, and operating public and private internets and
intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL:
Networking products offered by Cisco Systems, as well as customer support services, can be
obtained at this URL:
Networking Professionals Connection is an interactive website for networking professionals to share
questions, suggestions, and information about networking products and technologies with Cisco
experts and other networking professionals. Join a discussion at this URL:
World-class networking training is available from Cisco. You can view current offerings at
this URL:
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Introducing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway
See the following sections in this chapter:
About Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace application that
you install on a Microsoft Windows server. This application allows Cisco Unified MeetingPlace to use
your corporate Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail server to distribute e-mail notifications to
invited participants about meetings that are scheduled by using Cisco Unified MeetingPlace. Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway distributes e-mail notifications when a meeting is
scheduled, changes are made, or the meeting is canceled.
The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway allows you to do the following:
Distribute e-mail notifications for scheduled, rescheduled, or canceled Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Distribute meeting attachments with meeting notifications
Provide a link in the e-mail notification that users can use to join the audio, data, or video portion
of a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meeting
Notify the meeting scheduler that consecutive meetings have not been attended or that the term set
for scheduled meetings is about to expire
How E-Mail Notification Works
The following is an overview of how Cisco Unified MeetingPlace distributes e-mail notification to users
who are invited to attend a meeting:
1. A user schedules a meeting in Cisco Unified MeetingPlace.
2. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server places a notification of the schedule in a post office
3. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway then completes the following:
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 1 Introducing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
How E-Mail Notification Works
Gets the schedule notification from the post office.
Verifies that the user profile of the scheduler is configured to send notifications.
Reviews the schedule and determines which notification template to use to create the e-mail
messages that will be distributed to the invited participants.
Verifies that the user profiles of meeting invitees are configured to receive notification.
Uses the information in the schedule and in Cisco Unified MeetingPlace user profiles to create
an e-mail message for each invited participant.
Passes these messages to the corporate SMTP e-mail server to distribute to the participants.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway
This chapter describes how to install Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway.
See the following sections:
Preparing for the Installation
To prepare for the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway installation, complete the
following tasks:
Verify that you have the supported system requirements by reviewing the System Requirements for
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace, at
If applicable, uninstall the current release of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
by doing the procedure in the “Uninstalling Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway”
If you have customized notification templates, we recommend that you save those templates in a
different file or using a different extension before you install this software. This installation can
overwrite your current templates with new templates that include features that are new in this software.
You can use the templates that you save to customize the new templates. See the “Accessing Notification
Templates” section on page 4-2 for information about how to access the current notification templates.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Installing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM
Table 2-1
Preinstallation Checklist
All requirements are in place.
See the System Requirements for Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace at
The hostname or IP address of the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Audio Server.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace hostname/IP address:
The SMTP server.
The corporate e-mail server name:
Account name: _____________________
Password: _____________________
If authentication is required for the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to access the
corporate SMTP e-mail server, you need to supply the
account name and password.
The hostname or IP address of the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Web Conferencing system (if installed).
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web hostname/IP address:
You can enter two hostnames: one for the internal
web server and one for the external web server.
You can use the same name for both servers.
Installing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM
You must install Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4 or later on a computer
on which Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway System Integration Manager (SIM) Release 5.2 or later
is installed.
If Gateway SIM is already installed on the computer, skip to the “Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
To Install the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM
Step 1
Insert the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM Service CD in the computer that you want to use
to install Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway.
The InstallShield Wizard launches automatically and the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for
Gateway SIM dialog box appears.
Step 2
Step 3
Click Next. The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears.
Select the Program folder in which you want the Gateway SIM to reside and click Next.
The Gateway SIM files are installed. The InstallShield Complete page appears.
Click Finish.
Step 4
Step 5
The MeetingPlace Entry dialog box appears.
Enter the hostname or IP address of the primary Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server to which you
want the Gateway SIM to connect.
The MeetingPlace Client IP Address dialog box appears.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Step 6
In the field, enter the IP address of the computer on which you want to install Gateway SIM and click
The installation completes and the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM icon (an orange door)
appears on the system tray.
Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Before installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway, make sure that you have
administrator privileges on the Windows system on which you are installing the software.
If you have customized notification templates, we recommend that you save those templates in a
different file or by using a different extension before you install this software. This installation can
overwrite your current templates with new templates that include features that are new in this software.
You can use the templates that you save to customize the new templates. See the “Accessing Notification
Templates” section on page 4-2 for information about how to access the current notification templates.
To Install the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Step 1
Step 2
Insert the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway CD in the computer that you want to use
to install Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway.
The InstallShield Wizard launches automatically and the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for
E-Mail Gateway dialog box appears.
Click Next.
The InstallShield Wizard extracts the files needed to install Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway on your computer and prepares for the remainder of the setup process. The Welcome to the
InstallShield Wizard dialog box appears.
Step 3
Step 4
Click Next. The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears.
In the Choose Destination Location dialog box, click Next.
The default value installs the files in the C:\ Programs Files folder. Use the Browse button and select a
different location if you want to install these files elsewhere. The MeetingPlace Web Hostname dialog
box appears.
Step 5
Identify the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace web servers that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use as follows:
Leave these fields blank if the web server is not installed.
In the Web 1 field, enter the hostname or IP address of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace web server
that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use.
In the Web 2 field, enter the hostname or IP address of the DMZ Web server when DMZ is used.
The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web hostname can be in any format (such as as long as the server can respond to a ping request for that
Step 6
Click Next. The SMTP Server Information dialog box appears.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Step 7
In the SMTP Server Information dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Server field, enter the hostname or IP address of the corporate SMTP e-mail server that you
want to use.
b. In the Port field, enter the port number you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway to use to communicate with the corporate SMTP e-mail server.
c. Click Next. The SMTP Server Authentication dialog box appears.
Step 8
In the SMTP Server Authentication dialog box, select one of the following options:
Click No, My Server Does Not Require Authentication when the corporate SMTP e-mail server
you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use does not require
authentication to log in. (This is the default value.) Click Next.
Click Yes, My Server Requires Authentication when the corporate SMTP e-mail server you want
the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use requires authentication to log in.
Click Next.
Step 9
Click Yes in the authentication message box that appears.
The SMTP Server Login dialog box appears.
Step 10 Do the following:
a. In the Account field, enter the name that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway to use to log in to the corporate SMTP e-mail server.
b. In the Password field, enter the password you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway to use to log in to the corporate SMTP e-mail server.
c. In the Re-enter field, enter the password that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway to use to log in to the corporate SMTP e-mail server.
d. Click Next. The Program Folder dialog box appears.
Step 11 In the Program Folder dialog box, click Next. The Start Copying Files dialog box appears.
Step 12 Verify that the target folder is correct and click Next to continue.
The files start to copy to the folder.
If you are upgrading your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway, a prompt regarding the
templates appears.
Step 13 In the notification page, do one of the following:
Click Yes to overwrite your current templates.
You will need to set the parameters in the new template. Save all the .tpl files under the
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway folder into a backup folder on your hard drive.
Click No to retain your current templates.
Features and functions that are new in this software version may not appear, and the software may
not function properly.
Step 14 If you are upgrading your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway, a prompt regarding the
read-only files appears. If the read-only prompt appears, we recommend that you select Yes.
These .dll files are newer versions of existing Windows server files. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
SMTP E-Mail Gateway may not function properly if these files are not updated.
The InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box appears.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Verifying the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Installation
Step 15 Click Finish.
If the InstallShield Wizard was unable to copy certain files during the installation because these
files were in use, you will be prompted to reboot your system. When the system reboots, all of
the copied files will be installed correctly.
Verifying the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway Installation
After you complete the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway installation, do the
following tests to verify that all the components are functioning correctly:
Schedule a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meeting and invite one or two users. Verify that the invited
users receive an e-mail meeting notification.
If your users do not receive a notification, see the “Resolving Connectivity Problems” section on
Cancel and reschedule a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meeting. Verify that invited users receive
e-mail notifications about the meeting change.
If your users do not receive a notification, see the “Resolving Meeting Notification Problems”
When Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing is installed, use that application to schedule
a meeting and verify that the click-to-attend link works.
Stopping and Restarting the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway
Never restart the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway service without first stopping the
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Notification Gateway service.
Do the following procedure to stop and restart the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway.
To Stop and Restart the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Step 1
Stop the MeetingPlace Notification Gateway service.
a. On the server where Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is installed, click Start >
Settings > Control Panel > Services.
b. Right-click MeetingPlace Notification Gateway and choose Stop.
The MeetingPlace Notification Gateway and MeetingPlace SMTP Gateway services stop.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Uninstalling Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Step 2
Step 3
If you stopped the MeetingPlace SMTP Gateway service before you stopped the MeetingPlace
Notification Gateway service in Step 1, verify that both the MeetingPlace Notification Gateway service
and MeetingPlace SMTP Gateway service are stopped.
Start the MeetingPlace SMTP Gateway service.
The MeetingPlace SMTP Gateway and MeetingPlace Notification Gateway services start.
Uninstalling Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
We recommend that you uninstall an earlier release of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway before you install the current release.
To Uninstall Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
Step 1
Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs
dialog box appears.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Click MeetingPlace E-Mail Gateway and click Change/Remove.
When prompted to confirm file deletion, click Yes.
Launch Windows Explorer.
Choose <drive>:\Program Files\Cisco Systems.
Delete the “MeetingPlace E-Mail Gateway” folder.
On the Windows desktop choose Start > Run.
Enter regedit.
Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services.
Step 10 Delete the MPNotify folder.
Step 11 Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Latitude.
Step 12 Delete the MeetingPlace E-Mail Gateway folder.
Step 13 Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services.
Step 14 Reboot the computer.
Step 15 After the computer reboots, launch Windows Explorer and click C: > WINNT > system32.
Step 16 Delete mpnotify.exe.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
This chapter describes how to configure your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for
See the following sections:
Accessing and Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Gateway Configurations Tool
After you install Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway, you must use the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Gateway Configurations tool to ensure that the SMTP E-Mail Gateway is properly
configured for operation. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configurations tool is the user
interface for the Gateway SIM.
To start the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration tool, do one of the following on the
desktop of the computer on which the Gateway SIM is installed:
Click Start > Program > MeetingPlace Applications > MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration.
Click the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace icon (an open orange door) in the system tray.
The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration tool appears.
To configure the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration tool, do the following procedure.
To Configure the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to Use an E-Mail Server
Step 1
Step 2
Start the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration tool.
Click the E-Mail Gateway tab in the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configurations tool. The
Step 3
Indicate whether the e-mail server requires authentication to allow the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
SMTP E-Mail Gateway to send notifications as follows:
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
Accessing and Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configurations Tool
Click the Not Required radio button when the e-mail server does not require the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to log in to send notifications.
Click the Required radio button when the e-mail server requires the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
SMTP E-Mail Gateway to log in to send notifications.
In the Account name field, enter the username that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use to log in to the e-mail server.
In the Password field, enter the password the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway must use to log in to the e-mail server.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
In the MeetingPlace Mailbox field, enter the E-mail/GW Mapping number that is associated with the
e-mail server in MeetingTime that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to
In the Polling Frequency field, enter the value in milliseconds for the interval with which the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway will send inquiries to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Audio Server regarding new notifications.
Check Verbose Logging to have the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway send extensive
activity records to the logging file in the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM. Note that if you
change this setting, you must restart the MPSMTP service. See the “Stopping and Restarting the Cisco
Step 7
Choose OK.
Understanding the Configuring the E-Mail Gateway Dialog Box
Table 3-1 describes the elements that appear in the Configuring the E-Mail Gateway dialog box.
Table 3-1
Configuring the E-Mail Gateway Dialog Box Elements
Identifies the version of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
SMTP Server
The hostname of the mail server to which you want the E-Mail
Gateway to connect.
The port number that the mail server uses.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
Setting E-Mail Notification Parameters
Table 3-1
Configuring the E-Mail Gateway Dialog Box Elements (continued)
Server Authentication
Allows you to provide login information for the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use when the e-mail server
requires user authentication to send e-mail notices.
Not Required—This radio button deactivates authentication
for outbound e-mail.
Required—This radio button allows the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to send authentication
information to e-mail servers that require authentication to send
Account name—The username that you want the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use to log
in to the e-mail server.
Password—The password that the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway must use to log in to
the e-mail server.
MeetingPlace Mailbox
The mapping number assigned in the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
registry to the corporate e-mail server that you want the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use to pick up new
information about meeting schedules.
You can associate this mailbox number with one Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace e-mail gateway only.
Polling Frequency
Verbose Logging
The value in milliseconds for the interval at which the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway will poll the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace mailbox for new notices.
Allows you to save records of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway activity in the Gateway SIM log file.
When the log reaches approximately 40 MB in size, Verbose
logging starts overwriting data.
When you change the status of Verbose Logging to enable,
you must restart the MPSMTP service to activate this
function. See the “Stopping and Restarting the Cisco
Setting E-Mail Notification Parameters
You can configure the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to place a link in the
notification that meeting participants can use to access the meeting. The default link is the
click-to-attend icon. This icon appears at the bottom of the e-mail notification the participant receives.
In cases where the participant is remote, authentication may be required for the participant to access the
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server. You can enable Secured Socket Layer (SSL) to provide
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
Setting E-Mail Notification Parameters
authentication. You can also specify that the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway use a
URL in the notification instead of the click-to-attend icon when you find that the icon is removed from
the notification by the e-mail server of the recipient.
To Set E-Mail Notification Parameters
Step 1
Step 2
Start the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration tool.
elements in this dialog box.
Step 3
Step 4
In the Web Hostname field, enter the hostname of the MeetingPlace Web server that you want this Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use.
Check Use SSL to have the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway encrypt the link to the
meeting that is placed in the notification when participants require authorization to access the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace server.
Step 5
Step 6
In the External Web Hostname field, enter the hostname of the external Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web
server that you want this Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use.
Check Use SSL to have the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway encrypt the link to the
meeting that is placed in the notification when participants require authorization to access the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace server.
The default link (click-to-attend) does not appear in notifications sent to users who do not have
a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace profile. You can provide a URL for these participants to connect
to the meeting page.
Step 7
Step 8
Check Attach Links as URL to have the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway include a
URL link with the notification that the user can use to access the meeting.
Check Verbose Logging to have the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway send extensive
activity records to the logging file in the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM. You do not need to
restart any services if you change this setting.
Step 9
Choose OK.
Understanding the Notifications Dialog Box
Table 3-2 describes the elements that appear in the Notifications dialog box.
Table 3-2 Elements in the Notifications Dialog Box
Indicates the Notification software version.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
Changing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM Configuration
Table 3-2
Elements in the Notifications Dialog Box (continued)
Web Hostname
The hostname of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace web server that
you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
to use. This is required to allow the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
SMTP E-Mail Gateway to include a meeting link in the e-mail
notification that is sent to participants who are inside the firewall.
Use SSL—Allows the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway to use Secured Socket Layer (SSL) format to
encrypt the link for the meeting that the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway places in the notification.
External Web Hostname
The Web hostname used by the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio
Server that is placed outside of the firewall. This is required to allow
the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to include
a meeting link in the e-mail notification that is sent to participants
who are beyond the firewall.
Use SSL—Allows the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway to use Secured Socket Layer (SSL) format to
encrypt the link for the meeting that the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway places in the notification.
Attach Links as URL
Verbose Logging
Embeds the URL link to the meeting in the notification the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway sends to meeting
participants who are outside the company firewall.
Allows you to save records of notification activity in the Gateway
SIM log file.
When the log reaches approximately 40 MB in size, Verbose
logging starts overwriting data.
Changing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM
The Gateway SIM facilitates communication between Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Servers and
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace applications such as the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM improves the reliability and serviceability of
your SMTP E-Mail Gateway by:
Detecting gateway outages and logging these errors to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Alarm Table.
Enabling a Cisco technical support representative to administer and diagnose your SMTP E-Mail
Gateway remotely.
The Gateway SIM runs as a service and sends updates to the Gateway SIM Manager on the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Audio Server. If the Gateway SIM Manager fails to receive these updates when expected,
an alarm is logged in the Alarm Table.
To change parameters in Gateway SIM, do the following procedure.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
Changing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM Configuration
To Change Parameters in the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM
Step 1
Step 2
On the computer on which the Gateway SIM is installed, click Start > Programs > MeetingPlace
Applications > MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration.
Click Gateway SIM to display the Gateway SIM page.
Step 3
Do one of the following to identify the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server that you want the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use:
To specify the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server that you want the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use, click Add. The MeetingPlace Server Entry dialog box
To change parameters for the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server that you want the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use, double-click the name of the Audio Server in
the left pane. The MeetingPlace Server Entry dialog box appears.
Step 4
In the Gateway SIM page, click OK to save and upload your changes.
Understanding the Gateway SIM Configuration Page and the MeetingPlace
Server Entry Dialog Box
Table 3-3 describes the elements in the Gateway SIM page.
Table 3-3
Gateway SIM Page Elements
Indicates the Gateway SIM software version.
Installation Key
Remote Management Enabled
Lists the installation key for this Gateway SIM agent.
Allows Cisco technical support representatives to access and
troubleshoot the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway Alarms Enabled
Allows the gateway to log alarms in the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Alarm Table.
Starts the MeetingPlace Server Entry dialog box. This dialog box
allows you to identify the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server
that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway to support.
Removes the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server entry
selected in the left pane below.
Left pane
Right pane
Lists the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server that the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway can use.
Displays information about the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio
Server configuration.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
Changing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM Configuration
Table 3-4 describes elements in the MeetingPlace Server Entry dialog box.
Table 3-4
MeetingPlace Server Entry Dialog Box Elements
Server Name
The hostname or IP address of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Audio Server that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway to support.
Shadow Server Name
The hostname or IP address of the shadow Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Audio Server that you want the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use.
Client IP address
The IP address of the computer on which the Gateway SIM is
Transfer Destination
The name of the temporary folder that is used to cache data during
the backup process.
This field can remain blank.
Link Encryption Disabled
Deactivates encrypted communication between the Gateway SIM
and the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server. Encryption is
enabled by default.
Allows you to save your changes.
Allows you to close the dialog box without saving your changes.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
Changing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM Configuration
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Customizing Meeting Notifications
This chapter describes how you can customize the information in the notices that Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway distributes to meeting participants.
See the following sections:
About Notification Templates
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway uses notification templates to create the e-mail
notices that are sent to participants about the status of a scheduled meeting. Notices can provide
information about a meeting and a link that participants can use to access the meeting. Information in
default notification templates can include the following:
Meeting name
Meeting start time and date
Meeting ID
Meeting description
Dial-in phone numbers
Contact information
Reschedule information
Cancellation information
You can modify Cisco Unified MeetingPlace notification templates to meet the needs of your
environment. Information that you can add to notification templates include the following:
Instructions on how to attend meetings and access attachments
Alternate phone numbers for accessing your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system such as a toll-free
number or an in-company extension
Instructions about how to access meetings that are hosted on multiple Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Audio Servers
A listing of the invited meeting participants
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 4 Customizing Meeting Notifications
How to Customize a Notification Template
Information about how to access recordings of the meeting
How to Customize a Notification Template
See the following sections for information on customizing a notification template:
Accessing Notification Templates
There are seven notification templates that Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway uses to
create notices for meeting participants. These templates cover a range of notification topics and appear
in the following languages:
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace supports French Canadian voice prompts only.
To Access a Notification Template
Step 1
Start Windows Explorer on the server on which the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
is installed.
Step 2
Step 3
Click C: > Program Files > Cisco Systems > MeetingPlace E-Mail Gateway.
Do one of the following:
Use Notepad to open an English language .tpl file that you want to modify.
Using an editor other than Notepad can change the file extension of the template when you
save your changes. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway will not use a
template that uses an incorrect file extension.
Click the language folder you want, and use Notepad to open the .tpl file that you want to modify.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 4 Customizing Meeting Notifications
How to Customize a Notification Template
Identifying Notification Templates
The notification templates that Cisco Unified MeetingPlace uses are as follows:
NotifySchedule.tpl—Used to generate notifications for newly scheduled meetings.
NotifyReSchedule.tpl—Used to generate update notices for meetings that have been rescheduled.
NotifyCancel.tpl—Used to generate cancellation notices for meetings that have been cancelled.
NotifyNoShowRecur.tpl—Used to generate a notification reminder for a recurring meeting chain
that should be cancelled according to the number of no-show meetings that have passed.
NotifyRenewRecur.tpl—Used to generate a notification reminder for a recurring meeting chain
that is within a preset number of meetings before its expiration.
NotifyScheduleVideo.tpl—Used to generate notifications for a newly scheduled meeting that
include video endpoints.
NotifyReScheduleVideo.tpl—Used to generate update notices for a meeting that includes video
endpoints that have been rescheduled.
Modifying the Content of a Notification Template
Notification templates provide the content that appears in the body of outbound e-mail messages. These
templates use permanent text and tags to provide content. To modify the content of a template, you can
change the permanent text and add or delete tags.
About Tags
Tags are predefined variables that serve as placeholders for specific Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
information that you can include in the body of a notification template. When the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway uses the template to generate an e-mail message, the embedded
tags are replaced with specific information about the meeting. This information is extracted from the
schedule request and Cisco Unified MeetingPlace registry.
Tags have the following format:
The syntax <!--#LATD...>, used in releases prior to 5.4, can also be used with Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Release 5.4 and later.
Each tag is associated with a specific Cisco Unified MeetingPlace parameter and serves as a link to that
parameter in notification templates. For example, the tag <!--#Cisco Month --> is associated with the
parameter that specifies the month in which the meeting is scheduled to take place. If a meeting date is
10/14/2006, then the word October appears in the e-mail message wherever this tag is placed in the
notification template.
To view a list and definitions of the tags that you can use in notification templates, see Appendix A,
tag in the body text to identify the tag information for message recipients.
To use a tag, enter the complete content of the tag including the brackets, <>, in the body of the template
where you want the tag to appear. The information that replaces the tag can vary in length.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 4 Customizing Meeting Notifications
How to Customize a Notification Template
To Edit a Notification Template
We recommend that you make backup copies of template files that you want to modify. You can copy
the file to another folder or save it by using a different extension.
Step 1
Use Notepad to open the notification template that you want to modify.
We recommend using Notepad to edit notification templates because Notepad automatically
saves the file by using the current file extension, .tpl. Other text editors can append a different
extension to the file. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway recognizes the .tpl
extension only.
Step 2
To modify the template, do the following:
Edit, add, or delete permanent text.
Replace, add or delete tags.
Step 3
Step 4
Save your changes.
Verify that the saved file has the .tpl extension. If .txt or another extension is appended to the file, delete
the appended extension.
Tags That You Can Use to Provide Alternate Information
Table 4-1 lists and describes tags that are frequently used to modify notification templates.
Table 4-1
Tags Used for Adding Instructions and Alternate Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Phone
Numbers to Notifications
Instruction Tags
<!--#Cisco AttendMeetingHint -->
Inserts any text entered in the “How to attend meeting”
This parameter is located under the Company Information
topic in the Configure tab in MeetingTime.
<!--#Cisco MeetingNotesHint -->
Inserts the text entered in the “How to Access MeetingNotes”
This parameter is located under the Company Information
topic in the Configure tab in MeetingTime.
Alternate Phone Number Tags
<!--#Cisco AltPhoneLabel_1 -->
<!--#Cisco AltPhone_1 -->
Inserts the text entered for the “Label for Notifications”
parameter for the first alternate phone number.
Inserts the phone number entered for the “1st Alternate Ph
Number” parameter.
This parameter is located under the Telephony Access topic
in the Configure tab in MeetingTime.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 4 Customizing Meeting Notifications
How to Add Access Information in MeetingTime
Table 4-1
Tags Used for Adding Instructions and Alternate Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Phone
Numbers to Notifications (continued)
<!--#Cisco AltPhoneLabel_2 -->
<!--#Cisco AltPhone_2 -->
Inserts the text entered for the “Label for Notifications”
parameter for the second alternate phone number.
Inserts the phone number entered for the “2nd Alternate Ph
Number” parameter.
This parameter is located under the Telephony Access topic
in the Configure tab in MeetingTime.
<!--#Cisco AltPhoneLabel_3 -->
<!--#Cisco AltPhone_3 -->
Inserts the text entered for the “Label for Notifications”
parameter for the third alternate phone number.
Insert the phone number entered for the “3rd Alternate Ph
Number” parameter.
This parameter is located under the Telephony Access topic
in the Configure tab in MeetingTime.
Multiserver Meeting Text
<!--#Cisco MultiServerHelpText This Inserts the text in the MultiServerHelpText tag. The
meeting will be held on the following
MeetingPlace systems.
suggested text for this tag is displayed in italics.
This tag only appears in notifications for multiserver
meetings. Use this tag with the ListMultiServers tag (listed
Dial the phone number of the system
closest to your location. -->
<!--#Cisco ListMultiServers -->
Inserts the name and phone number of the other Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace Audio Servers that are involved in the
multiserver meeting. This tag should always follow the
MultiServerHelpText tag.
Meeting Participants
<!--#Cisco ListInvitees -->
Meeting Recordings
Inserts a list of the participants invited to the meeting.
<!--#Cisco fRecordConference -->
Inserts information on whether the meeting is scheduled to be
<!--#Cisco WhoCanListen -->
Inserts information on who can access the meeting recording
(none, anyone, Cisco Unified MeetingPlace users, or invited
How to Add Access Information in MeetingTime
Users may require additional instruction or information to access Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meetings
in your environment. To ensure that such information is available for users, you can enter the information
in MeetingTime and add the appropriate tags to the notification templates in which the information is
useful. Do the following procedures:
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 4 Customizing Meeting Notifications
Activating Notification About Meeting Schedules
To Add Instruction Information
Start MeetingTime and log in to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
In the View pane, locate the Company Specific Information section and click Company Information.
Click Query.
Locate Custom Notif Text under the Attributes heading.
Do one of the following:
Locate How to Attend Meeting and click in the Values column. A pop-up dialog box appears.
This parameter is associated with the tag <!--#Cisco AttendMeetingHint -->.
Locate How to Access MeetingNotes and click in the Values column. A pop-up dialog box appears.
This parameter is associated with the tag <!--#Cisco MeetingNotesHint -->.
Step 7
Step 8
In the pop-up dialog box, enter the instructions that you want users to use and click OK.
Click the Save Changes button.
To Add an Alternate Phone Number
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Start MeetingTime and log in to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
In the View pane, locate the System Configuration section and click Telephony Access.
Click Query.
In the Attributes column locate the General Information section and the Alternate Ph Number parameter
to which you want to assign a phone number.
Step 6
Click in the Values column. A pop-up dialog box appears.
This parameter is associated with the tag <!--#Cisco AltPhone_x -->
Step 7
Step 8
In the pop-up dialog box, enter the phone number that you want to assign to this parameter and click OK.
To create a label for an alternate phone number, locate the Label for Notifications parameter under the
parameter for which you want to create a label and click in the Values column. A pop-up dialog box
This parameter is associated with the tag <!--#Cisco AltPhoneLabel_x -->
Step 9
Enter the label that you want to use for this alternate phone number and click OK.
Step 10 Click Save Changes.
Activating Notification About Meeting Schedules
You can configure Cisco Unified MeetingPlace to do the following:
Notify a meeting scheduler that the last meeting in the schedule is imminent
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 4 Customizing Meeting Notifications
Activating Notification About Meeting Schedules
Notify a meeting scheduler that consecutive meetings were not attended
This allows Cisco Unified MeetingPlace to send a notification to the meeting scheduler that suggests that
the schedule of meetings be extended or future meetings cancelled. When the schedule is created by
using Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing or MeetingTime, a link to these applications is
included in the e-mail notification. The scheduler can use the link to open the application to extend or
cancel the meeting schedule.
When you configure Cisco Unified MeetingPlace to send a notification to a meeting scheduler, a notice
is placed in the appropriate mailbox in Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server when the conditions
that you specify to trigger the notification are met. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
retrieves the notice from the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace server mailbox and uses the appropriate
notification template to create an e-mail notice to send to the meeting scheduler.
To configure Cisco Unified MeetingPlace to notify meeting schedulers about their meeting schedules,
do the following procedure.
To Configure Cisco Unified MeetingPlace to Notify Meeting Schedulers About Meeting Schedules
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Start MeetingTime and log in to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
In the View pane, locate the Company Specific Information section and click Scheduling Parameters.
Click Query.
In the Attributes column locate the Scheduler Notifications section.
Click in the Value column next to After # No-Show Recurring Mtg. A dialog box appears.
Enter the value for the number of consecutive meetings that you will allow to go unattended before a
notification is sent to the meeting scheduler, and click OK.
Step 8
Step 9
Click in the Value column next to Periods Before Recurring End. A dialog box appears.
Enter the value for the number of meetings you want remaining in the meeting schedule when Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace sends a notification to the meeting scheduler that the end of the schedule is
imminent, and click OK.
Step 10 Click Write to File to save your changes.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 4 Customizing Meeting Notifications
Activating Notification About Meeting Schedules
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
This chapter explains how to troubleshoot problems that can occur after installing Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway.
See the following sections:
Resolving Connectivity Problems
Q. Why are users not receiving meeting notifications?
A. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway may not be communicating with the Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server. Do the following to ensure connectivity:
Use the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace eventlog to verify that Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway is logging in to the Audio Server system. Do the following procedure to start the eventlog.
To Start the Eventlog
Step 1
Step 2
Right-click the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace icon (the orange door) on the applications tray of the
desktop on the computer on which the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is installed.
Click Eventlog. The eventlog appears.
When MPNotify entries appear in the log, the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is
communicating with the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server.
Check the log for errors.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Resolving Attend Link Problems
If MPNotify records do not appear, verify that the hostname for the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio
Server entered in the E-Mail Gateway tab of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Utility is correct.
section on page 3-1 for instructions for configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Verify that the Windows services associated with the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway are running. Do the following procedure.
To Verify That Windows Services Are Running
Step 1
Step 2
On the server where Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is installed, click Start >
Settings > Control Panel > Services.
Verify that the following services are running:
MeetingPlace SMTP Gateway
MeetingPlace Notification Gateway
MeetingPlace Gateway SIM
If these services are not running, restart them. See the “Stopping and Restarting the Cisco Unified
Resolving Attend Link Problems
Q. Why do users receive JavaScript errors when clicking the Attend URL link?
A. This error appears when using a Web browser that is not supported. The supported browsers are
Netscape 7.0 or Netscape 7.1 with JRE 1.4.2, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.
Resolving Meeting Notification Problems
Q. When users schedule a meeting through MeetingTime or Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web
Conferencing, why do the invited users not receive meeting notifications?
A. This will happen if:
The profile of the invited user is not set up to receive meeting notifications.
The profile of the meeting scheduler is not set up to send meeting notifications.
The meeting preference is not set up to send meeting notifications.
Notifications have not been sent by the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway.
System notifications have not been queued for delivery.
The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is mapped to an incorrect mailbox.
There may be insufficient space on the hard drive of the corporate e-mail server or the server on
which the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is installed.
The corporate e-mail server is not delivering or is delaying notifications.
Check the profile of the invited user by doing the following procedure.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Resolving Meeting Notification Problems
To Check the Profile of an Invited User
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
Locate the User Information section and click User Profiles > Query.
In the Attributes column, scroll down to the Receiving Notifications area and verify that the parameters
are set to allow users to receive notifications.
Step 5
Step 6
Verify that the Preferred Delivery Method parameter is set to E-Mail.
Verify that the e-mail address in the E-Mail Address field is correct for the user.
Check the profile of the meeting scheduler by doing the following procedure.
To Check the Profile of the Meeting Scheduler
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > Schedule.
Locate the User Information section and click User Profiles > Query.
Locate the Sending Notifications area and verify that the “Enabled for this Meeting” parameter is set to
Check the Participant Notification Status window by doing the following procedure.
To Check the Participant Notification Status Window
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
Locate the User Information section and click User Profiles > Query.
In the Notification Status window, check to see that notifications are queued for delivery and sent by the
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway.
Check the system notification queue status by doing the following procedure.
To Check the System Notification Queue Status
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > System.
Click Notification Queue Status > Execute to open the Server Notification Status window.
To verify that notifications have been queued for delivery, click the entry for which you want to view the
status. The status information appears in the Disposition pane.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Resolving Notification Language Problems
Step 5
Click Done.
Verify that the mailbox mapping is correct by doing the following procedure.
To Verify Mailbox Mapping
Step 1
In the desktop on which the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is installed, do one of
the following:
Click Start > Programs > MeetingPlace Applications > MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration >
E-Mail Gateway.
Click the MeetingPlace icon (the orange door) on the tools tray.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Verify the value in the MeetingPlace Mailbox field.
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
Locate the Company Specific Information section and click Usage Parameters > Query.
Scroll down to the Email/GW Mapping section and locate the type of corporate e-mail server that the
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway uses to send notifications.
Step 7
Verify that the value in the Value field and the MeetingPlace Mailbox value are the same.
Finally, verify that there is sufficient space available on the hard drives of the corporate e-mail server
and the server on which the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is installed. If either
hard drive is full, create more space by deleting unwanted e-mails or files.
Resolving Notification Language Problems
Q. Why do users receive notifications in English rather than the language that the user prefers?
A. This will happen if:
The invited user is a guest and the meeting scheduler has set the meeting language to English.
Because the invited user does not have a user profile, the notification language defaults to that
of the meeting language.
The profile of the invited user does not indicate a language other than English as the profile
Check the profile of the invited user by doing the following procedure.
To Verify the Language Setting in the Profile of an Invited User
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
Locate the User Information section and click User Profiles.
Click the Find Records button. A dialog box appears.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Resolving Notification Time Zone Problems
Step 5
Check the radio button for the method that you want to use to search the records for this user, and enter
the appropriate value in the “Begins with” field. The Find Records pane populates with the profile of the
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
In the Attributes column, locate Language.
In the Value column, verify that the language is correct.
To change the language, click the current value in the value column. A dialog box appears.
Select the language that you want to use for this user and click OK.
Step 10 Click Save Changes.
Q. A user has set the profile language to Japanese, but the notifications come in blank.
A. This will happen when Japanese notification templates are not installed on the Microsoft Windows
computer on which the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway is installed.
To install the Japanese code page (c_932.nls) on a Windows computer, see Article ID Q164948 on the
Microsoft web site.
Resolving Notification Time Zone Problems
Q. Why do the meeting times in the notifications users receive reflect the time zone of the meeting
scheduler rather than the local time zone for the users?
A. This will happen if:
The invited user is a guest. Because guests do not have user profiles, the meeting times in the
notifications reflect the time zone of the scheduler.
The profile of the invited user does not indicate a preferred time zone.
To set the profile of a user, do the following procedure.
To Set the Profile of a User to a Preferred Time Zone
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
Locate the User Information section and click User Profiles > Query.
In the Attributes column, locate the user profile that you want to modify.
Scroll down to Time Zone.
Click in the Value column next to Time Zone. The Time Zone dialog box appears.
Click the location appropriate for the user and click OK.
Click Save Changes.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Resolving Problems with Meeting Attachments
Resolving Problems with Meeting Attachments
Q. Why are attachments for meetings that were scheduled using MeetingTime or over the web not being
received by the invited users?
A. If invited users are not receiving meeting attachments for meetings that were scheduled by using
MeetingTime or Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing, one of the following two problems
may exist:
The profile of the invited user is not set up to receive attachments.
The profile of the meeting scheduler is not set up to send attachments.
Set the profile of the invited user to receive attachments by doing the following procedure.
To Set the Profile of a User to Receive Attachments
When Microsoft Outlook is used, e-mail notifications are distributed to all invited users when
this parameter is set to Yes for one invited user.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
Locate the User Information section and click User Profiles > Query.
In the Attributes column, locate the user profile that you want to modify.
Scroll down to Receiving Notifications and locate Include Attachments.
Click in the Value column next to Include Attachments. A dialog box appears.
Click Yes and click OK.
Click Save Changes.
Set the profile of the scheduler to send out attachments by doing the following procedure.
To Set the Profile of a Meeting Scheduler to Send Out Attachments
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Log in to MeetingTime.
Click File > Open Register Book > Configure.
Locate User Information and click User Profiles > Query.
In the Attributes column, locate the user profile that you want to modify.
Scroll down to Sending Notifications and locate Include Attachments.
Click in the Value column next to Include Attachments. A dialog box appears.
Click Yes and click OK.
Click Save Changes.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Tags You Can Use in Notification Templates
Table A-1 lists and defines the tags that you can use in notification templates. For instructions on
modifying a notification template, see Chapter 4, “Customizing Meeting Notifications.”
Table A-1
Notification Template Tags
Suggested Label
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco AttendMeetingHint -->
Inserts any text found in the How to Attend
Meeting parameter (located under the Company
Information topic in the Configure tab).
<!--#Cisco SchedulerFirstName -->
<!--#Cisco SchedulerLastName -->
Inserts the first and last name of the scheduler.
Scheduler phone
Scheduler fax
<!--#Cisco SchedulerTelephoneNum --> Inserts the phone number of the scheduler.
<!--#Cisco SchedulerFaxNum -->
<!--#Cisco SchedulerEmail -->
Inserts the fax number of the scheduler.
Inserts the e-mail address of the scheduler.
Scheduler e-mail
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco MultiServerHelpText This
Inserts any text entered after
meeting will be held on the following
MeetingPlace systems.
MultiServerHelpText. The suggested text for
this tag is displayed in italics.
Dial the phone number of the system
closest to your location. -->
This tag only appears in notifications for
multiserver meetings. Use this tag with the
ListMultiServers tag below.
Number of ports
<!--#Cisco nLoc -->
Inserts the number of ports in a meeting.
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco ListMultiServers -->
Inserts the name and phone number of the other
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Servers
involved in the multiserver meeting. This tag
should always follow the MultiServerHelpText
MeetingPlace phone number
<!--#Cisco Mtg_TelephoneNum -->
Inserts the main Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
phone number.
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco AltPhoneLabel_1 -->
label <!--#Cisco AltPhone_1 -->
Inserts the first alternate Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace phone number and label.
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco AltPhoneLabel_2 -->
label <!--#Cisco AltPhone_2 -->
Inserts the second alternate Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace phone number and label.
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco AltPhoneLabel_3 -->
Inserts the third alternate Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace phone number and label.
<!--#Cisco AltPhone_3 -->
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Appendix A Tags You Can Use in Notification Templates
Table A-1
Notification Template Tags (continued)
Suggested Label
Meeting ID
<!--#Cisco MTGID -->
Inserts the meeting ID.
Inserts the date of the meeting.
Meeting date
<!--#Cisco Month -->
<!--#Cisco Month language=006 -->
<!--#Cisco Day -->,
<!--#Cisco Year -->
The numeric tag allows language-specific data
to be processed in that language. For example,
006 ensures that data such as month and AMPM
of the languages and the numbers to which they
are mapped.
Start time (hh:mm)
<!--#Cisco Hour -->:
Inserts the start time of the meeting.
<!--#Cisco Min -->
<!--#Cisco AMPM -->
<!--#Cisco AMPM language=006 -->
<!--#Cisco TimeZone -->
The numeric tag allows language-specific data
to be processed in that particular language. For
example, 006 ensures that data such as month
and AMPM is processed in Japanese. See
Table A-2 for a list of the languages and the
numbers to which they are mapped.
<!--#Cisco ReOccuringConference --> Inserts the frequency (weekly, monthly, and so
<!--#Cisco ReOccuringConference
language=006 -->
on), and number of occurrences of the meeting.
The numeric tag allows language-specific data
to be processed in that language. For example,
006 ensures that data such as month and AMPM
of the languages and the numbers to which they
are mapped.
Meeting name
<!--#Cisco TextName -->
<!--#Cisco Len -->
Inserts the meeting name.
Meeting length (min)
Meeting password
Inserts the length of the meeting.
<!--#Cisco C_Password -->
Inserts the meeting password, if one has been
Meeting description
Meeting participants
Who can attend meeting
<!--#Cisco AttList_MeetingDesc -->
<!--#Cisco ListInvitees -->
Inserts the text that the meeting scheduler
entered in the Meeting Description box.
Inserts a list of the participants invited to the
<!--#Cisco EntryRestriction -->
Inserts who can attend the meeting (anyone,
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace users, or invited
Screened introduction
Default ability
<!--#Cisco fScreenedIntroduction -->
<!--#Cisco DefaultAbility -->
Inserts whether participants joining a meeting
will be screened for entry by those already in the
Inserts whether the meeting is an all-speaker
meeting or a lecture-style meeting.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Appendix A Tags You Can Use in Notification Templates
Table A-1
Notification Template Tags (continued)
Suggested Label
Previous meeting month
<!--#Cisco MonthPrev -->
<!--#Cisco MonthPrev language=006
Inserts the month of the previous meeting.
The numeric tag allows language-specific data
to be processed in that particular language. For
example, 006 ensures that data such as month
and AMPM is processed in Japanese. See
Table A-2 for a list of the languages and the
numbers to which they are mapped.
Previous meeting day
<!--#Cisco DayPrev -->
<!--#Cisco YearPrev -->
<!--#Cisco HourPrev -->
<!--#Cisco MinPrev -->
Inserts the day of the previous meeting.
Only valid when used in the notifyreschedule.tpl
template file.
Previous meeting year
Previous meeting hour
Previous meeting minute
Previous meeting time of day
Inserts the year of the previous meeting.
Only valid when used in the notifyreschedule.tpl
template file.
Inserts the hour of the previous meeting.
Only valid when used in the notifyreschedule.tpl
template file.
Inserts the minute of the previous meeting.
Only valid when used in the notifyreschedule.tpl
template file.
<!--#Cisco AMPMPrev -->
<!--#Cisco AMPM Prev language=006
Inserts the time of day of the previous meeting.
The numeric tag allows language-specific data
to be processed in that particular language. For
example, 006 ensures that data such as month
and AMPM is processed in Japanese. See
Table A-2 for a list of the languages and the
numbers to which they are mapped.
Only valid when used in the notifyreschedule.tpl
template file.
Recurring meeting change
<!--#Cisco AllOrOne -->
Inserts information to tell you whether one or all
future meetings in a recurring chain have been
changed or cancelled.
Only valid in the notifyrechedule.tpl and
notifycancel.tpl template files.
<!--#Cisco MeetingNotesHint -->
Inserts any text found in the How to Access
MeetingNotes parameter (located under the
Company Information topic in the Configure
Record conference
<!--#Cisco fRecordConference -->
<!--#Cisco WhoCanListen -->
Inserts information on whether or not the
meeting is scheduled to be recorded.
Who can access the recording
Inserts who can access the meeting recording
(none, anyone, Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
users, or invited users).
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Appendix A Tags You Can Use in Notification Templates
Table A-1
Notification Template Tags (continued)
Suggested Label
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco ReschedReason -->
Inserts text that describes what has changed
about a previously scheduled meeting, such as a
new date, time, or attachment.
Only valid when used in the notifyreschedule.tpl
template file.
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco MCUServiceCode-->
Inserts the service prefix that appends to the
meeting ID to form the video conference ID.
Participants using video endpoints must enter
this conference ID to join the video portion of
the meeting.
This tag is not intended to have a <!--#Cisco VideoPhoneMain -->
Inserts the phone number that participants using
video endpoints must dial to access Cisco
Unified MeetingPlace.
Invited terminals
<!--#Cisco ListTerminals -->
Inserts a list of invited video terminals for the
Video management
<!--#Cisco RadInSessionCtrlUrl -->
Inserts a hyperlink to Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Video Administration that can be
used to provide additional in-session video
control functions during a meeting.
Meeting category
<!--#Cisco MeetingCategory -->
Inserts the meeting category selected by the
meeting scheduler.
Table A-2 lists the language mapping that you can use in tags.
Table A-2
Language Mapping
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
authentication option
e-mail notifications
about 1-1
about 2-4
parameters 3-3
templates 4-1
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server
hostname 2-2
requirements 2-1
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configurations
about 3-1
installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail
Gateway 2-1, 2-3
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway
about 1-1
configuring 3-1
installing 2-1, 2-3
Microsoft Outlook, using with Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing server
hostname 2-2
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
recurring meetings
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway not
connected to Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio
Server 5-1
e-mail notifications
user profiles
troubleshooting if not receiving e-mail
notifications 5-3
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
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