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X.25 PAD-2
The most compact way to connect
one or two RS-232 devices to X.25
or Frame Relay.
Key Features
local async channels 2 and 3 are
RJ-45 female connectors. The
MX320A-HS comes with a short
cable you can attach to the WAN
port to patch it to a V.35-standard
M/34 female connector. The X.25
PAD-2’s maximum data rate on
channel 1 is 128 kbps for the
MX325A-HS or 2 Mbps for the
Channel 1 is always DTE, but
can be configured for either X.25
or Frame Relay. Channels 2 and 3
are always DCE but can be
configured for SLIP or X.28.
The X.25 PAD-2 comes with a
universal 115/230-VAC power
supply, an RJ-45 to DB25 patch
cable for configuration, and a
manual. MX320 models should
also come with a DB25 to M/34
Except for a single internal
jumper that controls whether or
not the X.25 PAD-2 resets itself to
factory defaults when it powers
up, you’ll configure the PAD-2
with a powerful terminal-based
menu system . Just use the
included configuration cable to
attach the unit to a terminal or a
PC running a terminal emulator,
and you can tailor the PAD-2 for
the requirements of almost any
packet-switched application. The
configuration firmware is covered
in our “Packet Switching Guide”;
if you don’t already have a copy,
ask for one when you order.
he X.25 PAD-2 gives one or two
Tpieces of RS-232 equipment
easy, cost-effective access to a
packet-switching network or
device in a wide range of applica-
tions. For example, it can serve as:
Provides access to a
packet-switched link
for one or two RS-232
Local channels are
modular, with top
async data rate of
115.2 kbps.
• A PAD (Packet Assembler/
• An access unit for private or
public X.25 networks;
• An access server for a
mainframe’s X.25 ports;
• An async switch and
contention manager; or
Link channel is sync
and can be either
RS-232 (up to 128 kbps)
or V.35 (up to 2 Mbps).
• A FRAD (Frame Relay
Access Device).
Can be configured for
a large variety of
It can also be used to run
asynchronous data over Frame
Relay, either in X.25 packets or
directly (in SLIP protocol).
The X.25 PAD-2 can also be
monitored through its firmware,
but it has six top-mounted LEDs
that show you basic operating
applications with
terminal-based menus.
Two versions are available:
patch cable for the WAN-link port. information at a glance: POWER,
Universal power
The V.35 version (product code
MX320A-HS) uses ITU V.35 for its
channel-1 (sync packet-switched)
interface, while the RS-232 model
(MX325A-HS) uses RS-232/V.24.
On all models, channel 1 (hidden
from view in the above illustration)
is a DB25 female connector, while
ERROR, SYNC, and three activity
LEDs (one for each channel).
Although you should never
In order to connect the PAD-2
to your equipment, you will also
need an RS-232 or V.35 cable for
channel 1, plus either (a) another
special cable like the configuration X.25 PAD-2’s RESET button to
cable or (b) one or two twisted-
reset its internal circuitry and
Measures only
0.9"H x 2.1"W x 4.3"D
(2.3 x 5.4 x 11 cm).
have to do so, you can press the
pair cables with modular adapters start its power-up self-test.
for channels 2 and 3.
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